Mixed Media Bouquet #14
My favorite mixed media pieces are these bouquets created by cutting apart "Botanical" collage paper and organizing the blooms in different configurations - then coloring them with vibrant alcohol ink. The finishing touch is a very light coat of acrylic paint on the background and detailing everything with acrylic paint pens or dimensional paint. Collage paper and Alcohol Ink on synthetic paper. The painting is 9x12, matted in white to 11x14, in a cellophane sleeve with a sturdy backing board.
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Orders wil be shipped within 48 hours. If you need faster fulfillment or expedited shipping, please contact me at beth@inkartbybethkluth.com.
Additional Information
I've finished this work with a varnish and UV-resistant coating, but all artwork should be kept out of direct sunlight to prevent fading.